Healthy vs. Unhealthy Gums

Gums are often forgotten during our daily oral care routine. This, in long terms, can become something that leads to gum disease, tooth loss, bone deterioration, and more serious problems that can potentially lead to surgery. Not sure how healthy your gums truly are? Learn how to visibly tell if they are healthy and if they aren’t, find out ways you can heal them if they’re not!

The reason that most people do not know if they’re gums are unhealthy or not is because the first couple stages of gum disease are very mild and easy to ignore. Most people don’t even notice that they have gum issues and that leads to leaving your gums unhealthy for longer periods of time which leads to the issue becoming worse. Here are ways to distinguish whether your gums are healthy or not.

Healthy Gums

  • Firm and Pink
  • Fits tightly around your teeth
  • Doesn’t easily bleed
  • They aren’t tender or swollen

Unhealthy Gums

  • Bright red and swollen
  • It hurts to touch them
  • When you brush they bleed very easily
  • Receding gums
  • Look pale/white or thin

If you feel like your gums are unhealthy, we urge you to see a dentist. If your gums are healthy, we have listed several different ways below to promote healthy gums. The exciting thing about dental care is, these will not only boost your gum health, but with also help with your daily dental routine! At times, dental care can be a catch all. As long as you establish a good dental care plan to follow daily, your dental health will reap benefits from several different aspects.

Ways to Promote Gum Health

  • Floss at least once a day
  • Go for a regular 6 month cleaning with your dentist
  • Brush twice a day
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Use a therapeutic mouthwash

If anything you read today makes you think that you possibly have gum disease or other gum issues, please make an appointment with your dentist or schedule a free consultation with us here.


Mon-Thur: 8-5
Fri: 8-12

Let’s talk about the value of a smile for a minute 

With our smile, we greet the world! We invite others to come closer. Our souls, as well as our bodies are nourished through this portal. Never underestimate the power of a smile – We will not!